Connection Missed?
No sooner had I reached my seat when a tall dark figure of a man appeared in front of me. Not bad I thought as he gesticulated.. "is this seat free?"
Before I had chance to reply he promptly sat down. Keen, but didn't moan as he was six foot three tall and definitely my type. He looked intensely into my eyes as we discussed my plans for my trip to Bath via Paddington railway station.
Conversation flowed and we soon lost track of time.
An announcement over the station loudspeaker interrupted my gaze into his deep blue eyes. All trains through Moorgate underground had been cancelled due to an incident.
"Typical" he muttered . "I'm Tom by the way... would you like to share a taxi?" "I'm off to St Pancras you can catch the tube on from there."
I didn't need encouraging as I grabbed my bag and joined Tom at the taxi rank.
Our conversation intensified as the taxi shot out of the station and snaked through the busy pre-Christmas traffic.
Tom had an easy manner and I soon found I was staring into his eyes whilst listening to his experience of erotic business trips in the red light area of Amsterdam.
Not somewhere I had been or indeed knew a lot about.
Our warm fuzzy moment was abruptly shattered as a voice announced from the front of the taxi..."That will be a tenner guv if you don't mind."
Tom exited the cab first offering me his hand to guide me down. As I got out, I took the opportunity to hitch up my skirt and reveal to Tom a glimpse of my stocking tops and silk underwear. I almost felt the heat from his stare driving hard into my panties. Seizing the moment, he pulled me firmly towards his hard torso and we started to kiss.
On the pavement edge we were already cocooned in our own bubble, oblivious of the now rush hour stampede.
Before I knew what was happening, he clasped my hand in his and we walked hurriedly towards St Pancras Renaissance Hotel.
"I still have plenty of time to kill" he whispered. We booked into the Kings Suite , top floor, large balcony ,windows facing to the front of the station.
As I entered the seductively sumptuous room I gasped . At the far end through to the marble ensuite stood a large Victorian style bath in front of a full-length window.
Our passionate embrace soon continued , Tom's hands running through my hair as I tugged at his trouser belt. His cock pulsed and pressed hard into my soft fleshy mound. Dropping to his knees he hitched up my skirt and eased aside my now rather damp silk panties. Tom lingered for what seemed like eternity enjoying the sight of my ripe pussy. "Oh, don't stop" I moaned as he worked his tongue up inside my inner thigh to the very summit. I twitched with excitement as his tongue polished my parted lips with purpose. His hands at the same time exploring my naked butt with no boundaries.
Tom's caresses continued whilst the Molten Brown bath cream gushed into the now brimming tub.
Distinctly aware we could be seen through the large Victorian window my shrills of delight rang out as his butterfly type kisses covered my quivering body. A small crowd had now formed outside the hotel gazing up to watch our six o'clock sex show.
I glanced down to admire his tight balls bursting with delight under his rocket like penis. Lowering myself into the deep warm water I returned the favour and played what can only be described as the finest symphony on his sizeable flute.
Time became irrelevant as we bathed in the juices of our passion.
After we had washed each other intimately Tom guided me eagerly out of the bath towards a large four poster bed in the main suite.
Wrapping me in a fluffy white bath towel he lifted me onto the bed and rolled me over delicately biting into my peach like bottom .. "juicy, tangy and tasty" he murmured. We were surely in what felt like the best erotic dream ever.
It wasn't long before his sensual smacks on my bare buttocks had me writhing with delight across the crisp white sheets. Wave after wave of pure pleasure lapped over me, as I ached to feel his length inside me.
Teasing my entrance with his rock hard instrument only amplified the intensity of my ripples shuddering through the core of my willing body.
Taking his hand, I guided him to my pert breasts whilst we gazed into each other eyes and lost ourselves in moment.
As we rode me for what seemed a lifetime our hearts pounded and Tom's pulse throbbed.
Running my right palm along the length of his nine inch member I sucked as his pre cum oozed from his bulbous tip. I sensed the crescendo would soon follow.
Eager to guide his fully loaded missile I surrendered to his command and our bodies entwined in an eclipse of euphoria. Another all-encompassing orgasm shuddered through me as I felt his thighs tense and he joined me in a moment reminiscent of the finest firework display ever.
Our bodies locked together, excitement curtailing, we held on where we truly belonged.
Our breathing had slowed as sleep engulfed us.
It was 8 PM by the time we awoke in the dimly lit room.
Both trains long departed, connections missed.
Our journey surely just beginning!
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