Milkmaids of the NWO Pt. 02

Tia felt her eyes opening, then she saw Colleen smiling at her. Her head came forward, and they pressed lips together, gently, holding it, both of them feeling the warmth of their lips. Colleen broke the kiss, with a look of dismay.

"If we weren't surrounded by a room full of women, who are now waking up, I'd want to do a lot more to you baby," Colleen whispered, stroking her cheek.

"I'd be all over you like a cheap suit, I assure you," Tia agreed, smoothing Colleen's long red hair back.

They threw back the covers and quickly got dressed. The viewscreen came to life, and the face of Kal-sek smiled at them.

"Good morning ladies, the dining area is ready with a hearty breakfast, enjoy, and our team will be around very soon, to assess your talents, and give you a suitable task to work at."

Tia and Colleen could smell the delicious aromas, and at the buffet, another feast awaited them. Scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausages, bacon, waffles, toast, danish pastry, a table full of fresh fruit, and steaming pots of coffee. Tia surmised that the Calto race had studied them very well during the month of unconsciousness, and she dug into her breakfast with gusto, Colleen matching her enthusiasm, as she attacked her breakfast with equal vigor.

Tia looked at her watch, it was just past 8 AM. At 8:30, one of the walls opened, and they got their first up-close look at the Calto race. They looked fairly human, there were minor differences, like Caltos having 4 fingers, and larger eyes and arched ridges over the eyes. The body shape was similar enough, and Tia felt herself relaxing. Although she scoffed at the idea of pulp science fiction stories of "little green men", she was relieved to see that they weren't that different, or grotesque.

Two of the beings stopped in front of her, and their eyes seemed to size her up quickly. They turned to each other and spoke in their native language to each other. They gave the same look to Colleen and again exchanged incomprehensible language.

Changing over to the English language, one of them said to Tia, "I am Gal-tor, and my companion is Con-set. What is your name, please?"

She answered, "I am Tia Amadore."

Con-set asked Colleen for her name, which she quickly gave. She was in no mood to try and make trouble, she had a feeling that they would brook no dissent.

Their names were fed into a handheld device, that resembled a tablet-style computer. The aliens looked at the readout, nodded, and Gal-tor said, "Come with us please."

Colleen stiffened, and Tia was not exactly feeling reassured either. The exchange had not gone unnoticed, as Kal-sek, who had been watching from the view screen, said, "Tia Amadore, and Colleen Hamner, look at me please."

As they did so, he continued, "Remember what I said yesterday. If we had wanted you dead, we would not be having this conversation, as you both would no longer be alive. We are not here to mistreat you. You will not be tortured or used in horrible medical experimentation. Your own kind has done that, the history of mankind is rife with such barbarity. We are not like that, you are just to be assessed for your strengths so that your work will be of the greatest benefit."

The way he said it, and his expression touched a chord deep inside Tia. She had a strong feeling that he was sincere and that she and Colleen were not in danger. She looked at Colleen, smiled reassuringly, and said, "We'll be okay, we can trust him."

Colleen relaxed, she had really come to trust Tia, and what Tia said to her, was more than good enough for her. She gave back a smile, and Tia said to Gal-tor, "Lead the way."

They went down a few flights of staircases, and onto the street. Tia looked around, they were in a usually deserted area of the city, full of old, large, vacant warehouses. They were led to a bus, and climbing aboard, they saw several women already seated. They exchanged smiles, some looked very nervous, others seemed stoic, and Colleen and Tia swung into one of the double seats. Several more women joined them, Gal-tor and Con-set climbed aboard and began to converse again in that alien language, as the bus pulled away, and started down the street. The streets were almost totally deserted, Tia found it to be surreal, with a city population of over 500,000, the streets at this time of the day would normally be busy with traffic and people going about their daily routine. The utter emptiness of the streets made her think of a movie set, a backlot with all the appearances of a real-life city landscape, but the actors not yet in place to play their roles.

Colleen was thinking very much the same thing. She had been a real estate agent, but she was more than sure that was over, for good. She had been starting out, it wasn't very profitable, but she had been able to pay the bills, and put away a few dollars in savings. That's probably all gone too, the idea of everything being swept away, and replaced with a totally unfamiliar matrix, was something she was having a hard time processing. Colleen thought, Well, there's nothing we can do about it, they have the power, and we have to try and adjust to whatever becomes the norm.

Ten minutes later, they turned into the driveway of Memorial hospital.

Colleen whispered, "What do you think this means?"

Tia whispered back, "Probably a medical checkup, to see what we are fit for, as far as work goes."

They were led into the hospital, and a group of aliens stepped forward, and they led to different examination rooms. When Gal-tor and Con-set were about to separate Tia and Colleen, Colleen clung to Tia's arm, and said, "Can I please stay with Tia? I won't cause any trouble, I just want to stay with her."

The two aliens looked at each other and conversed in their native language. Switching to English, Con-set said, "that would be acceptable."

The two ladies were led to an examination room, and Gal-tor said, "Now, we can begin. Please remove your clothes."

Both women stared at him, feelings rumblings of disquiet beginning.

He looked puzzled, and asked, "Did you not understand the request?"

Tia said, "Well, yes, but..."

Gal-tor replied, "Then what is the problem? We need you to remove your clothes, so we can measure your body size, your stamina, your strength, and assign you work that fits you accordingly."

Tia figured that made sense. She peeled off her T-shirt, and Colleen followed her lead, and it took less than a minute before both Tia and Colleen were naked. Colleen took a look at Tia's nude figure, seeing Tia's bare, smooth-shaven mound. Remembering the hot lovemaking of last night, she recalled what it felt like to get her mouth on those smooth, soft lower lips, the taste, running her tongue up into Tia's pink tunnel, while Tia was doing the exact same thing to her, like mirror images, and the rush of orgasm, oh god, she felt her face grow warm, her pussy moistening up, and her nipples started to grow.

The sight of Colleen's nude body had the same effect on Tia. Seeing her pubic region, covered with a neatly trimmed nest of pubic hair as red as the hair on Colleen's head, got her motor running. The idea that she had been licking at Colleen's red-topped muff powered up her arousal, she was a sucker for redheads. She felt her body start that familiar revving, pussy juicing, nipples stiffening up, growing twp long, stiff protuberances, matching Collen's swollen, stiff nipples.

The aliens were watching intently, then they stepped forward. They held up a small box, made of what looked like metal, it was about the size of a paperback book.

Con-set told them, "These are scanner devices, we wish to scan you and analyze our findings. The scan will not hurt you."

Tia was sensing that they wished to take things with consent, rather than by force. That was more reassurance, and she and Colleen agreed. It took only a minute, and the readings of their bodies were being analyzed.

Gal-tor asked, "What are your ages?"

Tia replied, "I'm 24."

Colleen joined in, "I'm 23."

This information was entered into the scanners and quickly added to the data.

Con-set and Gal-tor compared scanner results, and Con-set said, "We have everything we need, you will report for duty at the Calto dairy plant, tomorrow at 8 AM, for a 10-hour work period."

Tia said, "Hey we're gonna be milkmaids!"

Colleen was equally enthused, she been a farm girl until she was 18, and her parent's dairy farm had been a great place, and a great way to grow up. It sounded like an unexpected, but enjoyable turn of her life.

Gal-tor said, "You can now get dressed at your leisure. When you are dressed, you will be free to return to your homes, we have what you call a taxi cab waiting for you, we took over your city's fleet of such vehicles, since our testing and analyzing will, of course, take different times for different females, and you needn't be waiting around, without anything to do. Take your time, there is no rush. Tomorrow morning, there will be a bus to pick you up and take you to the plant. Colleen, we will pick you up at 7:40 AM, and Tia, we will pick you up at 7:45 AM."

Colleen said, "You said testing, we don't need to be tested further?"

Gal-tor replied, "No, not necessary. In your cases, our scans revealed exactly what your strengths are, and we determined that the dairy plant is what both of you are best suited for."

Gal-tor and Con-set withdrew, closing the door behind them. Colleen and Tia exchanged looks, they were both nude, and now very horny, Gal-tor had said take your time, and they were eager to do just that. Tia dialed down the bright overhead fluorescents, she loved to have subdued lighting, and the crisp, stark glare was too bright for her likes. In the soothing dimness, Colleen pulled Tia toward her, bodies pressing together, urgently, hot wet mouths seeking out the other, lips coming together, tongues sliding out for erotic play. The feel of their lover's wet, slithery tongues made the smoldering passion blaze, and Tia wanted to devote herself to Colleen's incredible body.

"Hop up on the table baby, I may not be a doctor, but I have my own special examination I want to do on you!" Tia growled, with a chuckle.


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