Mollie's After-School Meeting
She'd had plenty of meets like this before. They were easy to arrange really - a quick post in the right forum using the right kind of language and suddenly her inbox was flooded with messages from all sorts of men wanting all sorts of things. The hardest part was finding the right one, and some early disappointments had taught her what the good indications (and crucially, the red flags) were. Mollie knew what she was looking for anyway: taller, stronger, older men who were happy to just take what they wanted from her and then leave her alone. No strings, no fuss, no awkward cuddles with a stranger. And no man was going to turn down a blonde, 18 year old schoolgirl offering to come round.
Mollie was very good about safety on these meetups. She always kept her real name, her number, and her address to herself, and always made sure she got pictures and proof that her meet-up was STI-free. She also hid her face in photos she sent, in case any bitter rejects decided to exact revenge on her in a sad attempt to make themselves feel some small iota of power (probably from their parents' basements). The possibility of meeting up with someone she knew had never even crossed her mind - at least not until her English teacher opened the door.
"Mollie?" Mr Richards sounded genuinely surprised. There were several seconds of silence as they both tried to comprehend each other's presence, and Mollie began to get very worried indeed. "Oh God", she thought. Her life was surely over. There was no hiding why she was here, or pretending she'd made a mistake. Mr Richards surely knew that this wasn't her first one of these meets, and this was definitely a departure from the image she gave off at school - the panel who had selected Mollie as senior prefect had included Mr Richards, and she was the star pupil in his A-Level class. Would he tell the senior teachers, and recommend they remove her from her position? Or maybe her parents, so they could ground her outside of school hours?
She realised Mr Richards was just looking at her, and she suddenly felt extremely exposed in her tight, skimpy outfit - it was a far cry from the school uniform he usually saw her in. His piercing eyes scanned her body, drifting from her long, slender, exposed legs, up past her broader, rounded hips (squeezed into her shortest shorts), over her tiny waist, and lingering ever so slightly on her plump, round breasts, slightly hidden beneath a loose white crop top. As Mollie looked over him in return, she realised the photo he'd sent must have been older, since it omitted his thick, half-grey beard, and he hadn't worn his reading glasses, like he did in the classroom.
Mollie had always thought of Mr Richards as a gentle giant, and she saw this once more as he began to relax in the doorway; his face softened from harsh surprise to gentle sympathy as the reality of the situation settled in for him. He smiled ever-so-slightly.
"You wore the outfit".
Mollie was taken aback. Surely he wasn't suggesting...
"Why don't you come in?"
Mollie really thought about saying yes. She found she couldn't help but wonder what he would do to her once she was inside... what was he hiding beneath those blue jeans? Her body screamed at her to go in and find out.
However, common sense prevailed. She thought about how awkward it would be - what if he kept wanting more? How could she say no?
Not to mention the fact that his wife was the deputy head teacher - that could be much more trouble than it was worth.
She started walking backwards, managing to stumble out "I... it's not... I can't...", before giving up, turning and sprinting as fast as she could all the way back home.
That evening, Mollie couldn't get thoughts of Mr Richards out of her head. She found herself masturbating that night to the thought of his tree trunk arms wrapping themselves around her as his hands explored every inch of her tight body. She imagined him telling her what a good girl she was as she sunk to her knees in front of him, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his jeans to see what was waiting for her...
She slept very well that night.
School the next day passed without incident, although Mr Richards wasn't teaching her English class for some reason. Mollie was still concerned that he might tell someone about their encounter, so she decided to go and see him in his office and see if she could smooth things over.
She knocked on his office door, making sure that her skirt rode high enough as to leave a gap between it's base and her long socks, and that her blouse had enough buttons undone so as to just show a hint of cleavage. She heard a curt "come in," and strode through the door into his office.
Mr Richards looked up from whatever he was doing on his laptop. "Ah, Mollie. What can I help you with?"
Mollie's mouth ran dry. She froze, seemingly unable to move or speak as his eyes explored her body once again. She managed to timidly ask "W-why weren't you in class today?"
Mr Richards stood up, sighing, and closed his laptop.
"A year 9 school trip. Now, was that all you wanted from me?" he asked dismissively, marching over to Mollie. "I have places to be."
Mollie made no reply, her face inches from his. She stared up into his eyes, before getting up on her tiptoes and gently kissing him on the lips. He kissed her back, reaching one long arm behind her to swing his office door shut.
The door clicked and Mr Richards pulled away. "I knew you wanted to come in yesterday."
Mollie nodded as he span her round, pulling her against him with his powerful arms. One of his hands began to explore her braless tits through her blouse, while the other grabbed her hip and pushed her ass right up against his crotch. She began gently grinding on him, feeling his hard cock twitch through his trousers. He gently kissed her neck, sending goosebumps down her spine as their bodies gyrated together.
Mr Richards reached both hands up and began to undo Mollie's blouse. Her nipples instantly hardened as they became exposed to the cold air, a fact which Mr Richards took no time in exploiting. He cupped her soft breast with his left hand and teased her nipples with his right; he gently flicked and rubbed them, sending tiny electric shocks right the way down to Mollie's toes.
Mollie was embarrassed at how quickly Mr Richards had managed to get her this wet, so she was actually a little bit grateful when he stopped and took a step back, away from her. She turned round to look at him, staring up into his eyes as her pert tits sat exposed on her chest. Glancing down to his crotch, she noticed the huge bulge straining against the belt on his jeans - she'd been with men on the larger side before, but this looked like a whole other level.
Mr Richards smiled as he followed her gaze. He knew what she wanted. He grabbed by the hand and pulled her over to his desk area, before taking a seat in his office chair.
"On your knees, please, young lady" he ordered, unbuckling his belt.
Mollie did as she was told. Her calm exterior belied the number of nervous and excited thoughts that were bouncing around her head. Her anticipation only grew as Mr Richards revealed what he had been hiding beneath his jeans - that bulge had not been an illusion. Mollie almost actually gasped as his cock sprung out in front of her - inches from her face, it looked about as long as her forearm, and almost as thick.
Mollie was stunned. She took a deep breath and got a whiff of the manly, musky smell, and her nervous anticipation quickly transformed into pure lust - she needed this cock.
Luckily, Mr Richards was thinking the same thing, and he reached his hand behind Mollie's head, gripping her hair and pushing her face towards his cock. She closed her eyes as he began to rub it on her, smearing his sticky pre-cum on her forehead and across her soft cheeks, before finding his mark and placing his tip on her plump, juicy lips. She began greedily licking the remaining pre-cum off his cock head, savouring the salty taste as she felt herself getting wetter and wetter.
Mollie gripped the base of her teacher's shaft with one hand and the inside of his leg with the other. She locked eyes with him as she slowly leaned forwards and licked the length of his thick member in one smooth motion. He let out a gentle groan, which was quickly followed by several louder groans as Mollie began jerking his cock up and down, licking it all over.
Her plump, soft, teenage lips made their way down to his balls, and she began softly suckling them as she slowly rubbed his shaft with her free hand. His low, gentle groans continued, and Mollie found herself getting wetter and wetter as she realised the situation she was in. She loved being slutty, and what could be more slutty than being on your knees, in your school uniform, under your teacher's desk, with his balls in your mouth?
Mr Richards' cock twitched, snapping Mollie back to the moment. She leaned back, taking her lips off of his balls, and met eyes with him as she continued to gently rub his shaft. She could see the burning lust within him, and she knew his mind was on one thing. "Not yet," she thought, "I want to tease you some more first".
She let go of his thick cock and quickly removed her blouse completely, taking a moment to tie her hair up into a loose ponytail. The fire in her teacher's eyes only grew as he stared at her bouncing tits. She leaned back and gave them a shake for him, rubbing her hard nipples and smiling as his cock twitched again.
Mr Richards leaned forward, gripping Mollie's ponytail with one hand and roughly groping her teenage breasts with the other. He kissed her firmly on the lips, and their tongues chased each other in her mouth as his fingers traced a figure of eight around her hard nipples. He pulled away from their wet embrace, and she tasted a hint of coffee on his lingering breath as he firmly placed her head at the end of his cock. Mollie reached a hand up to grip his leg, but he quickly pushed it aside. When she tried again, a flash of anger darted across his face.
"I thought you were a quick learner," he intoned with dramatic sigh. "Still, I never say no to an excuse to use these..."
Her head was still firmly placed in his crotch, but Mollie could hear the sound of metal jangling as Mr Richards pulled something out of his desk draw with his free hand. The realisation dawned on her as she felt the gentle click and sudden tightness of her wrists being handcuffed together behind her back. Now she really was at his mercy.
Holding her head firmly, he placed his enlarged cock head on her moist lips and began to slowly push her down. Her cock cushions parted, and she had to open her jaw wider and wider as she felt his tip begin to penetrate her throat. He kept her head there, halfway down his shaft - enough cock that her mouth was full, but not enough that she had to open her throat. Yet.
Mr Richards began to slowly fuck her face, gently working himself further and further into her mouth. Mollie opened her throat wide, as she had learned to from many encounters like this, and began to push herself down his shaft towards his balls, impaling herself on his huge cock. Mr Richards' hands gripped her head tightly, guiding her down to the base of his shaft.
Mollie had to breathe through her nose while descending, but this became significantly harder when her teacher jammed her face into his stomach.
Her throat was now entirely filled with his cock, and but if she opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, she could still get some air in. She started rapidly licking Mr Richards' balls, and his continued moans of pleasure told her she was doing a very good job.
The knock at the door was a surprise to both of them. Mollie panicked, and tried to remove herself from Mr Richards' crotch, but he had a different idea - he held her in place, and then pulled his chair in under his desk, trapping Mollie's head between his body and the underside of the hard, wooden table.
"Come in please," Mr Richards said in a surprisingly calm voice. Mollie gagged as he somehow squeezed more cock into her throat, and he gave her a little tap on the cheek with his hand as if to say "keep it down".
"Well I wouldn't bloody be down here if it wasn't for you," she wanted to say back, but instead all she could manage to do was involuntarily drool all over his cock and her own chin. She tried to squirm her way free, but she was truly stuck - impaled on her teacher's cock. She quietly gagged again, the mix of sticky spit and pre-cum now dribbling down her neck and onto her full breasts. She could feel her nipples hardening as the liquid ran over them.
"Ah, Peter", Mr Richards said, "please come in."
Mollie froze. Shit! Why was Peter here? She knew her boyfriend was very studious, but English wasn't really his favourite subject. Why would he be here to see Mr Richards?
"Hi sir, how are you today?" Peter asked, doing his best Mr Perfect impression. Mollie hated how much of a suck up he was sometimes.
"I'm well thank you," Mr Richards replied, obviously eager to expedite this conversation. "What can I help you with today?"
"You haven't seen Mollie have you sir? It's our one year anniversary today and we were meant to meet for dinner after school."
Shit! Mollie knew she had forgotten somerthing. She really did like him, but Peter was such a wet wipe, and right now her teacher was balls deep in her throat - he would just have to wait. Preferably not in this office.
"I'm afraid I've not seen her today Peter, I'm sorry. Perhaps try the common room?"
"I already have sir, and Ryan told me she was meant to be coming by your office."
Mollie wanted to just scream at Peter to fuck off, but all she could kneel there, half-naked, with a cock in her throat and the drool now running like a river down her chin, on to her tits, and down past her belly button. Her eyes began to water as she quietly gagged again.
"Well perhaps she became occupied along the way" replied Mr Richards firmly.
"Maybe she did," Peter replied curiously. "Thanks for your help sir!"
"Not at all Peter. Have a nice evening!"
Mollie heard her boyfriend's steps get fainter and the click of the door shutting. Mr Richards stood up quickly, finally removing his member from Mollie's mouth, stemming the flow of dribble that was now leaking into her underwear. Mollie coughed and collapsed forwards slightly, her entire face wet with a mix of drool, pre-cum and tears. Her teacher marched over to the door and locked it, jiggling the handle to check they wouldn't be disturbed again.
"Did you enjoy that, slut?" He asked, unbuttoning his shirt as he slowly strode back across the room. Mollie was slightly taken aback by his language, but with her make-up running down her face and her bare chest coated in sticky liquids she guessed it was probably a fair description. She shuffled on her knees out from under the desk and nodded vigorously when she locked eyes with Mr Richards, smiling as if to say "can we carry on where we left off please sir?"
He seemed to read her mind, and strode over to her with intent in his eyes. Mollie opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, and in an instant he gripped her ponytail right at the base and shoved the entire length of his cock into her mouth. Mollie gagged, soaking his shaft in her spit, but he only held her there for a second or two before pulling right back out and resting his tip on her lips.
She looked at him with her big, innocent eyes, and he smiled at her, before slowly beginning to push her head down his long shaft again.
Mollie had no control over her own movements. Mr Richards had gripped her hair so tightly, and was pushing her mouth up and down the entire length of his shaft with an ever-increasing tempo; Mollie realised with a great deal of pleasure that he was using her throat as his own personal fleshlight.
Eventually the throat-fucking increased to such a speed that he just had to hold her head in place and let him push his cock in and out of her teenage throat himself. Mollie could feel his cock begin to grow even more, and as it throbbed and twitched in her throat she was sure he would pull out.
He did not.
Instead, with one almighty thrust, he pushed Mollie's nose right into his stomach so her lips were pressed up against his balls. He grunted once, loudly, and all of a sudden Mollie felt her mouth begin to fill with the salty liquid. She tried to move her head off him but he held her firmly in place, and she gagged as another burst of his cum entered her throat, causing what felt like a bucket of the sticky semen to rush out of her mouth and dribble down her chin, past her neck, and onto her full breasts.
He held her in place for a good ten seconds as he emptied his balls into his student, and when he did finally pull out, he wiped the remaining strands of his seed across her face, before standing back to admire his handiwork. Mollie looked up at him again with her deep blue eyes, cum dripping from her lips, her chin, and her tits. She felt used and owned, and was only a little bit ashamed by how much those feelings turned her on.
Mr Richards smiled as he pulled up his underwear and buckled his belt.
"Same time tomorrow," he said.
Mollie knew it wasn't a question.
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